A subsidiary of Dogwood Press, Sunrise Press is a traditional publishing house that considers faith-based works of both fiction and nonfiction for publication. Please review the SUBMIT YOUR WORK guidelines below before contacting Editor-in-Chief Joe Lee with your query.

1. Initial Query
When sending an initial query, please include a pitch about the work of no more than 300 words, when and where you’ve been published, and a brief personal biography. Email queries are preferred (and will be answered much more quickly), but queries sent to our physical address are accepted as well (see below). DO NOT query by telephone, as unsolicited calls are not returned, and DO NOT include an email attachment of sample material that has not yet been requested.
2. Send Only What is Requested
If we ask to see a sample of your work, printed pages will be requested. Please send only what is requested; for example, do not send half or all of your manuscript if we ask to see the first 25 pages. DO NOT send email attachments at this point unless specifically asked to do so. When mailing to us, please do not send the only copy of your work.
3. Formatting Guidelines
Guidelines for formatting your sample material: double-spaced text, standard one-inch margins, standard paragraph indentations, New York Times or Courier 12-point typeface, consecutive page numbering, a header that includes the author’s name and title of the work on all pages, and a title page that includes the author’s contact information.
We do our best to answer all email queries within one week, though holidays and busy stretches may cause slight delays. An emailed response to requested sample material is usually provided within 2-4 weeks. You will be notified if more time is needed to read your work, especially if a large quantity of material has been requested.
Please send your email query to Joe Lee at [email protected]. Or mail your query, as well as all requested sample material to:
Dogwood Press
Attn.: Joe Lee, Editor-in-Chief
P.O. Box 5958
Brandon, MS 39047